aacahrcappleton roebuckbbccereproccharles dodgechoirconcertcreativeculturalcultureearlyemotionhalhistoricaljournallee ridleymootmusicnew yorkoperaperformancepicturesroadshowrobotics technologysciencesingingsirislpatspeechspeech recognitionspeech songsspeech synthesissynthetic singingsynthetic speechtechnologyuncanny valleyvideovoicevoice by choice
Hatsune Miku
Hatsune Miku is an entirely synthetic singer. Visually she is a hologram and her singing is generated by a ... read more
Alistair Edwards
Posted 28th March 2014 at 10:14 AM
Leveson the musical
This is not only amusing, but it also illustrates a broderline between recorded and synthesized speech. Presumably they have used recordings, but then processed them with pitch and timing to create ... read more
Alistair Edwards
Posted 14th May 2012 at 1:44 PM