I have a voice


“I have a voice” is a group of varied people who have links with the use of artificial voices via communication aids.  The term used often to describe communication aids is AAC (Alternative and Augmentative Communication) devices.



Who is in the Project Group?


-          David Mason (Toby Churchill); Communication aid developer and producer

-          Alan Martin (Mouse on the Move); uses AAC for communication

-          Lucy Lowson (Glossa); Independent Speech and Language Therapist

-          Gill Main (NHS) ; Speech and Language Therapist

-          Graham Pullin (University of Dundee); Interaction Designer


What is the project?


Our sub-group within the project is focusing on the production of a short video that seeks to draw people’s attention to the question: ”My voice is…..?” The video is intended to be shown as a rolling loop of about 2 minutes duration. We have to make it really interesting to grab the passing public.

The video features Lee Ridley, A Stand-up Comedian who uses AAC as his mode of expression.  The video highlights the meaning of ‘voice’ to those who use synthetic voices as a mode of expression, using Lee’s particular dramatic use as a feature.