The CreST Documentary
Dan Doughty, Hannah Rolfe
The Audio Documentary
Our Aims
- To observe the network in action.
- To question the participants.
- To Document the process, the event and the overall outcome.
There are two different aspects to the team, with slightly different outcomes:
- Hannah is focused on producing an audio documentary. (Approx 30 - 40 mins)
- Dan is focused on producing a short documentary film. (Approx 45 mins -1 hour)
In addition, we may produce smaller sound byte type pieces, Podcasts and Vlogs which
may be used on the CreST Website/ Roadshow Website.
We intend to set up a space in one of the ‘Pods’ at the next Network meeting in September
to gather some recordings and will be distributing some sample questions to members
over the next couple of months. We also encourage members to get in touch with and
contribute to the documentation process by whatever means they feel comfortable with.
Dan is also hoping to visit groups before the meeting in September as visual footage of
work in progress projects is needed to show progress towards the final working roadshow
pieces. If you are in a position to film any of this behind the scenes footage yourself and
send it to the documentary team that would be of great help.
It is important to us that group members understand that the documenting of the network is not seen as a threatening or intrusive thing, we are happy to adapt to your needs and to
whatever audio/visual documenting style you feel most comfortable with.
Please feel free to contact Hannah or Dan if you need any more information.